Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The mouthpiece, Pt. 1
If you don't know this about me already, I'm a republican. If you don't like what I have to say it's probably because you agree but want to continue in your lock step ways. I normally am not one to be a mouthpiece for any political affiliation because frankly big government is the worst issue ailing our country. For all of you who only know what your t.v. set tells you about the government, open your eyes, the media is almost as much of a problem as the government is. Do not confuse yourselves though, I am not an Anarchist. I believe in the institution of government, but i believe in it in the form that it was envisioned by our founding fathers, if slightly altered for the ages. When this republic was formed in 1789, 4% of U.S. citizens were reliant on government spending, none of these were subsidized earnings. At present 43% of U.S. citizens rely on government spending, of these 43% only 18% of employed persons are employed by the government. can't do the math? I'll do it for you, that means that out of 300,000,000 people in this country 30 million of them work for the government and rely on our tax dollars. this is from taking the actual size of the u.s. workforce and and finding 18 percent of that. Now, of the entire population of America, 129,000,000 are reliant on government spending. that means ladies and gentlemen that 100 million people live on your tax dollars while contributing $0 to the governments revenue. Senator Obama wants to come into office and decrease taxes he says. let's go with this first, what he fails to say is that he wants to decrease taxes for 95% of the working population. A few statistics before i go on, the bottom 40% of wage earners pay 0% of the taxes in this country, the bottom 50% pay 2.9%. the top 1% pay 46%, the top 5% pay 61%. does this seem like a fair breakdown to anyone? if it does, then i ask you, are you employed? if so, who employs you, who signs your checks? Would you say that this person is rich or poor? Please tell me the last time you got a job from a poor person. I didn't think so. In addition to Obama's not saying things, it has been the same promise from every democratic candidate, "I will lower the taxes on the middle class". Somehow it just never seems to go that way. If you look at president Clinton's term, I believe and correct me if i'm wrong (I'm not), president Clinton went into office offering very similar promises regarding taxation as my good friend, Mr. Obama. I think it was 6 days into his first term as president, he came before the American people and had to grudgingly inform them that he would be raising their taxes. Well done Bubba! Whereas if you want to look into republican history and please do not count George W. Bush as History because he's still in office and right now we are actually reaping the benefits of our good friend Bubba Cliton's terms in office. Let's look at Reagan, possibly the finest economic presidency of all time. When he came into office, the top earners in this country were paying a 70% income tax. I want you all to imagine for a second that you have spent your life working your ass off, taking an entrepeneurial risk to start your own business and to actually take it somewhere. Now imagine that, for all your hard work, you get to take home 30 cents on every dollar earned. Doesn't sound fair now does it. If this were you, would you smilingly commit more of your money to making more jobs for those people who have voted into office the officials who have made your strife worthless, or would you pack up your money, of which you have plenty and go play golf, lie on a beach drinking beers. Within months of taking office, Ronald Reagan dropped the income tax on the highest earners to 28%. My oh my, that's roughly what the middle class pays now. imagine if we had someone who might do that for us again. but instead of thinking about how we might fix our economy, we all have our own agenda such as the woman's right to kill babies, which by the way will never be revoked, and socialist healthcare and planned economies and increased government subsidies. What people fail to realize is that these things all weigh in heavily when we look at our economic malaise. Ronald Reagan managed somehow to not spend trillions of dollars on big government and look at the result, not only did the economy boom while he was in office against the past patterns of economics as pertaining to the present occupant of the oval office, but that economic splendor, in the words of mr. Obama, transcended through the nineties giving us what has never been seen before in the history of economics, low unemployment and low inflation. Now with the daunting probability that Obama will win, i hope all of you nubile voters fresh out of your liberal arts colleges can deal with the fact that your vote today is ensuring that you will not see an economy like that of the mid-nineties for the better part of your working careers. If you think that an additional trillion dollars of wasteful pork will help, please don't complain when our economy realy and truly crashes. i would like to take a second now to have you all look at the recent malaise of iceland, a COUNTRY that is now bankrupt. let's take a look at why this is. could it be due to massive government spending beyond a country's means? No way, government spending could never hurt anyone because it is so helpful to the poor? yes it is helpful to keeping the poor poor. Could it be that due to protective taxes for it's local goods that it relied entirely on it's government to tell it what to buy and at what price. could it be that the average tax rate was 80%? could it possibly be that it was another one of these advanced socialist nations that we so want to be like? Could be, who knows? On the topic of Socialism i will turn my rant over to this wonderful idea of socialist healthcare. I mean who wouldn't want healthcare for everyone for free? Doctors for one. People who enjoy the healthcare they get now which will no longer be available to them. Yet again, you rich people who enjoy making all that money for the hard work you put in, BAD BOY. How dare you work hard. You know what we're gonna do, we're going to punish you. I have an uncle who owns the single largest pediatric practice in the state of New York. I'm pretty sure that this might pay the mortgage on his house, with his 50 foot pool in the backyard, the backyard with the beautiful landscaping. I'd like to tell a little story about this uncle of mine, for those of you who know him. He came from a family, a regular american family. Dad was a minister, mom was a school teacher. needless to say, not much money there. He managed to make it through school at Einstein medical school based on his hard work, not on handouts from the government. He at that point had to do his residency, again not a lot of money, while living i believe in co-op city, which is really a lovely neighborhood, just not at night, or during the day, or really any time for that matter. After all of this hard work, he is now one of the most recongnized and well aclaimed doctors in his area and probably New York. After all of these years at the age of 56 i believe, i really think that we should socialize healthcare, so that he can be forced by government edict to work for a government wage, a wage which will not support his lifestyle. It really is unfair that all of these hard working people have these nice homes and nice lives, cars and families. We clearly need to take all of this away, after all who wouldn't want their country to look like the USSR in the mid 80's. God bless America, home of the fucking Cattle.
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Great writing! But do us a favor and put in a few paragraph breaks--my eyes iz bouncing all around in they'z sockets!
Very passionate, but can you give us some sources for your numbers? They're unlike any I've ever heard of, though I don't doubt there is some legitimacy.
It's easy to oversimplify a lot of these issues by simply looking at numbers. Yes, we all vote with some level of pure emotion and it takes away our objectivity, but it is also easy to make blanket statements based on assumptions. And somewhere in the middle lies about 80% of the American voting population (I don't have a source for that number--I made it up!)
Dig deeper, give me some sense of where all these numbers actually come from and what they really mean. Don't just spout them off randomly because they don't represent anything real to me.
And thank you for giving me faith that people of your generation are going to grow up to be thinkers and will recreate a Republican party that this country can be proud of. I might even vote for you if you run for office!
BTW, "following in lockstep ways" can be described of either side....
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